10:00 Rise Early (Yes, 10 is considered early enough.)
11:00- 14:00 Brunch
22:00- 23:00 Bath and relax
23:30 Go to bed
Tasks for Sunday: Exercise, reading, outing, family time, OT(hopefully not), and preparing lunchbox for the coming two days
如果我室友願意送我去上班的話,我的Monday syndrome會減輕許多,哈
6:30 Rise Early
before 7:00 Off to work
22:00- 23:00 Bath and relax
23:30 Go to bed
Tasks for Monday: None, because this is usually the day that I would appreciate most to take some time off. So maybe some 康熙來了 or Gossip Girl, or Greys Anatomy will do me a big favor!
6:30 Rise Early
before 7:00 Off to work
22:00- 23:00 Bath and relax
23:30 Go to bed
Tasks for Tuesday: Preparing lunchbox for the coming two days.
6:30 Rise Early
before 7:00 Off to work
22:00- 23:00 Bath and relax
23:30 Go to bed
Tasks for Wednesday: Working hard while not giving up the pleasure of reading and learning.
6:30 Rise Early
before 7:00 Off to work
22:00- 23:00 Bath and relax
23:30 Go to bed
Tasks for Thursday: Laundry day!
6:30 Rise Early
before 7:00 Off to work
19:00- 21:00 Romantic dinner/Time for some good food
23:00- 24:00 Bath and relax
24:30 Go to bed
Tasks for Friday: Grocery shopping/All kinds of shopping. Midnight hit movies! Yay!
6:30 Rise Early
before 7:00 Off to work
Sleep to my heart's content!!! (That means 10:30 or later)
11:30- 14:00 Brunch
16:00- 22:00 Family time
22:00- 23:00 Bath and relax TV show: Superstar Avenue
1:00 Go to bed
Tasks for Saturday: Sit back and relax, catching up with my family.
Some good habits to keep
1. 每兩週看一本書(could be for work or for my own pleasure)
2. 乖乖擦乳液和防曬
3. 每天抬腿30下,每週運動一次以上
4. 少吃油炸、碳烤或麻辣類食物(是少吃不是不吃喔)
5. Outing per 1.5 months (好心虛)
6. Catch up with old friends every two to four weeks (preferred weekdays of course)
More plans to be made
1. Prepare annual budget for living
2. Travel plans
3. Work plans
還是保有小時候的習慣,訂計畫表時喜歡把週一到週六都規定好。為什麼禮拜一到四作息差不多我還要寫出來呢?當然是提醒自己照表操課的重要性囉! :)